Things to Know About Industrial CT Scanning

Since we live in the world with more complex processes and products, competitive pressure and customer requirements, it is important to think about advanced methods for scanning your products and ensuring that everything stands in its place.
You can take advantage of CT scanners, which will help you reduce labor hours, considerable costs, while boosting overall quality of your products. Regarding industrial computed tomography systems, you should remember that it features a software for visualization and analysis, combined with a regular CT scanner.
As a result, you should know that the software is bran of the system, meaning you will get an access to outstanding and latest applications such as optimization of processes, quality control, automation and various tools.
In further article, we wish to provide you with a clear understanding of Industrial CT scanning and everything you can do by using them. That way, you will get practical examples on how they operate. Let us start from the beginning.
Why Should You Use CT Scanning for Industrial Purposes?
It doesn’t matter whether you should check out for welding spots and engine blocks, it is vital to remember that products manufactured by metal casting or injection molding or even 3D printing processes require exceptional and detailed quality control. That way, you can determine whether specific products comply with defect tolerances.
Since the technology continues to evolve, you should remember that products are becoming more complex and smaller, meaning you must be as precise as possible. Therefore, manufacturers and their customers can optimize relevant processes by remaining competitive and stay in the market with ease.
We can differentiate numerous ways to test different systems, especially the ones used for quality control, analysis and inspection such as laser-based inspection systems. You can also find non-destructive testing methods that can detect superficial material defects.
However, these systems cannot see all properties of a single part, meaning you will lack information on deviation and other essential data that will determine the effectiveness. Remember that destructive testing by using cross-sectional inspection is limited and expensive in the long run. Therefore, you can use industrial computed tomography or CT, which will penetrate the interior parts no matter the reflective or transparent surfaces.
We recommend you to click here to learn more about industrial CT scanners. It will allow you to generate data by using specialized software that will offer you numerous applications, including:
- Analysis of structural integrity
- Performance prediction
- High-precision specifications and compliance
- Assessment of dimensional accuracy
- Automated inline quality control
- Optimization of manufacturing tools and methods
You should remember that CT-scanned object will allow you mesh, voxel and CAD data, which later you can geometrically compare with other parts and ensure that everything works in perfect manner. Still, it is vital to think about finding relevant data analysis software that will allow you to see everything you wanted in the first place.
How Does Industrial CT Work?
3D computed tomography or CT scanning functions by processing numerous X-ray images with an idea to provide you with the most accurate 3D model that you can later inspect for potential problems and faults.
Remember that the wavelengths used with industrial scanning are more energetic and shorter than the ones used for health industries, meaning it can easily penetrate dense materials and provide you with insights you need. We are talking about metal, composites, plastic and wood, among other things.
At the same time, where X-ray machines take one-sided images, with CT you will get all sides of the object, meaning you can use mathematical methods to reconstruct a volume with ease. As a result, you will receive 3D volume that will provide you with a perfect and appealing interior much better than other options available on the market.
However, CT scans are not enough for the process. The main idea is to combine it with relevant software tools for visualization and analysis, which will ensure that you can use it for numerous industrial applications. We can differentiate numerous software options available on the market, which will increase the overall functionality and capability of your scanner.
Industrial CT Applications
Check out this guide: to learn more about this particular topic. The most common examples and applications used for industrial CT scanning include:
- You should remember that gas and oil companies can analyze internal structures of drill cores for porosity, mineral composition and permeability. That way, they can determine how deep you can drill without causing severe problems.
- A life-science companies can use them to perform measurements of insulin pens, meaning you can verify more than three hundred geometric features and dimensions per sample.
- You can use it for electrical pathways, semiconductors and connectors within solid-state hard drives and smartphones, which is important for proper application and working perspective.
- CT scanning is specifically used for pharmaceutical companies to assess the wall thickness of time-release and film-coated meds.
- Regarding automakers, you can use CT scanner to check out internal combustion engine. That way, you can analyze more than two hundred specific parts and determine whether everything works properly before setting it in motion.